Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Today is the day!

Remember earlier this month when I mentioned that I was partaking in the little Blogging Party that is circling the blog world?

Well today is the day that we reveal our loot! I have had so much fun getting to know my partner Jessica and I have been very inspired by her. She has not been blogging long but her blog has so much character! I am definitely taking notes!! :)

Well last week she did something that made my day! I received her package!!! I don't think I even took my coat off before I opened that puppy up!

She is so cute! She wrote me a little note explaining her thoughts behind the present!

 Jessica knows me that is for sure! She gave me my favorite things!! I'm obsessed with coffee and I adore Valentine's day so a heart covered mug! Couldn't have been more perfect!!! Really.

And nail polish. Pink and sparkly nail polish. LOVE. I'm a complete nail polish gal. I ALWAYS have it on. It is my special thing. I love having polished nails and I can't stand when one is chipped so I take the time to paint them quite often. I swear in college, especially my senior year I barely slept but darn my nails ALWAYS had nail polish- and not chipped nail polish, on! (ok enough with the CAPS!! bah!)

Now that I have more time and a more relaxing routine I still love the time after I finish painting and all I can do is sit and relax. Sorry can't make dinner. Sorry can't change the laundry. Just need to sit and relax.

I have been rocking this look ever since :)

This blogging party has been so much fun and such a great excuse to spend more time exploring other blogs. There is a special group of women out there who have amazing things to say- I love spending time with them.

Happy Tuesday Sparklers!

XOXO, Elise


  1. :) SO happy we got partnered up for this!
    You're awesome, Elise!

    And hellloooo - your nails look fabulous! :)


  2. I am soooo stealing this nail polish combo for February!

  3. I love the idea of this blogging party! So cool. I found your blog from Jessica's and the first thing I seen was your "What I'm reading" -- I have that on my page too!! How exciting! Book club? YES PLEASE!!! :) Hit me up!

    1. Yay! Let's definitely do a book club!! What are you reading? I just finished Molokai so I need to pick up something else!

  4. LOVE Essie nail polish! It's my weakness. So glad I participated in this blogger gift exchange!

    I'm your newest follower. :)


    1. Thanks for following Sam! You have a new follower too! :)

  5. Aww, such a cute mug! And Essie nail polishes...don't even get me started. I think I probably have around 100 of them. (yes, it's an illness!)

    We had so much fun participating in this party too! We're now following your blog & would love for you to visit ours! Stop by & see what we received from Samantha, who just so happens to have left you a comment above. She's a sweetheart!

    Mendi @ Her Late Night Cravings

    1. I completely understand your infatuation with nail polish because I have it too!!!

      I'm so glad that you enjoyed the party too! And you two have a new follower as well!! :)

  6. Love this and your blog, excited to follow along.

    Amazing color pairing for the nail polish, and "waiting" for them to dry is my favorite part too. Instant relax time!

