Monday, June 11, 2012

What I've Been Up To

So I have been a busy girl lately. Boyfriend and I are moving into a new place that was my Great-Grandmother's. The space and location are GREAT. It's current state... not so much....
Isn't the wall paper lovely?

Wow right. That wall paneling... One side of the master.
The other wall of the master
My new camera! Still learning to use it.... and the guest bath.
So Boyfriend, my Poppy and I spent alllll weekend taking care of that lovely wall paper. But first my dear friend M and her bf DW stopped by with our favorite bagels.

And this is the second time Boyfriend and I have invited M and DW over without any proper furniture first. Ha! But to be fair we haven't even moved in yet this time around!!!

So once we got to work Saturday morning... and then kept working alllllll day... the kitchen FINALLY looked like this!!!

Sorry for the fuzzy wuzzy...

Then Boyfriend and I went home (and I babysat that night for three adorable children...) and slept. We both dreamt about peel wall paper. Have you ever done it. Man oh man. At first it was cathartic. Then it just became a serious pain. For realio.
Boyfriend was much better at peeling wall paper than I am. You can totally tell where Boyfriend stripped and where I finished because of the patch work that needed to be done. We all have our hidden talents. Stripping wall paper is not mine.
Then Sunday bright and early we were back and painting this time!

Ahhh! No wallpaper!!!! :)

White!! Weeeee!
The place is still dated but so much better! I'm just imagining it as a cool Mad Men inspired pad. Dream with me please.

And we also painted the bedroom.
There is my cutie. Working away. Sigh.
 We listened to the Joe Jackson station on Pandora all day Sunday and it was so much fun. Definitely need to rock him more often. Try it. I doubt you'll be disappointed.

So much better right!?

We still have lots of work to do and hopefully I'll get some more pictures up here to share soon. Hopefully with a little "After" photo action too.

And P.S. does anyone know of someone who is in the market for an elderly accessible tub? It has a seat and is on the market. I must sell it in order to get a normal shower/tub situation. Please!!! I'm desperate to be able to soak horizontally!!!

Charming right? Help!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Yes to Love!

I think I may be one of the last people to see this but I want to share it here anyways. This is so awesome and sweet on so many levels! I LOVE LOVE LOVE how many of their friends were involved and you can just see on their faces how happy they are to be there and support the couple.

It kinda made me cry a little. Did you? :)

Sunday, June 3, 2012

The Lovely District

I thought I should finally share some of my pictures from my recent trip to Washington, DC. I love that city and I especially LOVE the people that I left there when I graduated. DC will always have a wonderful warm spot in my heart. What a lovely place to explore.

My friend from college MR (also B's Boyfriend) teaches spin classes throughout the District. I had never taken a spin class or a class from a friend so I practically begged B to take one of MR's classes with me. Before the class started we "warmed up" a bit. This picture cracks me up. MR is workin' it, B is watching, the little old man in the corner is stretching (?) and I am obviously taking a picture. Good work MR. Ha.

I am so thankful for B and her closet. She pretty much dressed me for S's graduation. I LOVED this dress. (and isn't her place adorable!!)

 Way to go S!!

The lovely graduate. It was so, so, so great to see her. 

 Outfit picture: Heading to dinner Saturday night. I loved B's neighborhood Cleveland Park. It was so refreshing to walk around everywhere again. Dinner here we come.

 We went to the restaurant Medium Rare. It was a prefix menu of salad, and all you can eat fries and steak. We may have had two servings of fries and steak. It was delicious that is for sure.

On Saturday night our friend was hosting a Prom party. Note: we are all twenty-somethings. There was no underage drinking or fraternizing with minors. When I left graduation earlier in the day I told S and her family that I had this Prom party to go to that evening and as I left S's mom yelled "Have fun a Prom!" Like I was a twenty-something cougar. Nice.
B and I wore tiara's because we were Prom Queens. Ha.
Sunday we went to Eastern Market to wander. Lots of interesting things to look at. This one booth had a ton of amazing mirrors. I really wanted one but shlepping it home would have definitely been an issue.
Hi MR- nice shades.
B bought that adorable hat.
I didn't do any site seeing this trip, I only feel a little guilty about it. Just lots of fun adventures with friends. This picture of the Capitol is pretty much the only touristy part.

Blog meet Isis. B's adorable old lady cat. She is the most vocal cat I have ever met. I had full on conversations with her and no I am not crazy. When we get ready I swear she says things like "Oh girls..." and "Is that really appropriate..?" (imagine an old lady saying it...) She's funny. 

 On Monday we visited MR at work. NASA that is. And he showed us around and told us all sorts of top secret information. Not at all really but it was still neat to check out his cubicle in basically your everyday DC office building. Every office building you work in has a gift shop right? Ha.

 And last but not least on Monday night I met up with one of my best friends from College MFF. Ahh the memories of taking over the school together. hahah.

We went to Mike Isabella's restaurant Graffiato and it was delicious. And hopping when we first got there at 9:30. We ended up closing the place down (hence all the empty chairs behind me) but I swear it was packed when we first got there around 9:30 and on a Monday too. Cheers.

 I had such an amazing time in DC. Thank you again B for hosting me!!!! Till the next time!!