Monday, January 30, 2012

I am so proud

I made my very own button!!

I used Photoshop and everything! Boyfriend helped get me started but then I actually made this one all by myself!

Hopefully I will learn how to add it to my side bar soon and you can link up if you want. 
I would love it if you do! 
I would also love any helpful hints to add it to my side bar!!

Thanks Sparklers you are the best!!!



  1. If you just google "How to add a button to my blog" there is a really helpful ehow article that tells you step by step. That's how I figured out how to do mine. Just found your blog and I love it!

    1. Thanks for the tip! I'll have to try that again. I started going that route but then it was getting late so I decided that beauty sleep was more important :)

  2. Wow! This looks great!!! I have been trying to make my own lately, and I get REALLY overwhelmed with layers in photoshop. Great job!

    1. Thanks! I am by no means an expert but I would be happy to help if I can! Just let me know!

  3. Your button is super cute E!
    I think you should add something to the background of your blog, a pattern or color and use a font that is a little more unusual/cute.
    It will help to draw the eye!

    1. Thanks B! I completely agree with you! I have been searching for an appropriate font for a while now- if you have any suggestions let me know!!
