What? Two recipe posts in a row?? Really? Yeppers. And this next recipe is also a good one.
So I have officially decided that I am a bad blogger because I never take pictures and then need my friends to remind me that I should blog about X, Y, or Z activity. Thanks friends for being good blogger buddies.
This weekend I decided to make amazing Mojito Cookies to bring over to the family Easter celebration. I'm sorry I didn't take very many pictures but I figured I should share the delicious recipe anyways. It was pretty easy- the most annoying part was definitely zesting the limes. Man I do not care for zesting. I am always afraid I am going to scrap all the skin off my fingers and it takes a really long time! Have I ever told you that I am not a patient person? So here is the recipe with some of my notes thrown in for good measure!
2 Cups All Purpose Flour
½ Teaspoon Baking Powder
½ Teaspoon salt
1 Cup Unsalted Butter, softened but still cool
1 Cup Granulated Sugar, plus ½ cup for rolling dough
1 Tablespoon Light Brown Sugar
1 Large Egg
1½ Cups Loosely Packed Mint Leaves, washed and thoroughly dried
2 Tablespoon Lime Zest
1½ Teaspoons Vanilla Extract
Adjust the oven racks to the upper- and lower-middle positions and
heat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Line2 large baking sheets with
parchment paper or spray them with nonstick cooking spray.
In a food processor, pulse one cup of granulated sugar and mint
leaves until the leaves have been ground down and combined with the
Whisk the flour, baking powder, and salt together in a medium bowl; set aside.
I love my mixer. You are amazing dear mixer. |
Cream the butter, the mint sugar, and the brown sugar at medium speed
until light and fluffy, about 3 minutes, scraping down the sides of the
bowl with a rubber spatula as needed. Add the egg, lime zest and
vanilla; beat at medium speed until combined, about 30 seconds. Add the
dry ingredients and beat at low speed until just combined, about 30
seconds, scraping down the bowl as needed.
Place the ½ cup sugar for rolling in a shallow bowl. Fill a medium
bowl halfway with cold tap water. Dip your hands in the water and shake
off any excess (this will prevent the dough from sticking to your hands
and ensure that the sugar sticks to the dough). Roll a heaping
tablespoon of dough into a 1½-inch ball between moistened palms, roll
the ball in the sugar, and then place it on the prepared baking sheet.
Repeat with the remaining dough, moistening your hands as necessary and
spacing the balls about 2 inches apart (you should be able to fit 12
cookies on each sheet).
Butter the bottom of a drinking glass and then
dip the bottom of the glass in the remaining sugar. Flatten the dough
balls with the bottom of the glass until they are about ¾ inch thick,
dipping the glass in sugar as necessary to prevent sticking (after every
2 or 3 cookies).
Bake until the cookies are golden brown around the edges and their
center are just set and very lightly colored, 15 to 18 minutes, rotating
the baking sheets front to back and top to bottom halfway through the
baking time. You really want to pay attention to the cookies in the oven at this point. It is crucial that they come out before they get too done. You want them to be a lovely soft sugar cookie texture. Cool the cookies on the baking sheets about 3 minutes;
using a wide metal spatula, transfer the cookies to a wire rack and cool
to room temperature. Store in an airtight container at room
Yum. And yes this recipe makes more than two cookies. These were just the cookies I brought with me to work today. Yes, I used past tense. They no longer exist in this world. YUM. |
And I even got to share them with my dear friend M!! She was in town over the weekend! She currently (do you like how I refer to your current location as temporary M?!) lives up in San Fran living an awesome life and I miss her bunches and bunches! |
I hope you all had wonderful weekends! Boyfriend and I had a lovely one- we finally had our couples massage! I found it to be kinda awkward. There were toooo many people in the room (four to be exact) while I was naked for my comfort level. But Boyfriend loved it so that's good. Happy Valentine's Day to you! :)
We also met up with some friends at this boisterous rooftop beachside bar. Oh man do I feel old sometimes. Ha!
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Good weekend. :)