Welcome to February!
I love February. I love that it means we are into the new year, that it is a short month, and that it contains VALENTINE's DAY!
I love this darn holiday! I know a lot of people don't believe because it is a "made up holiday" but I don't care. I love any excuse to send love notes to my friends and family. And generally spread some hearts and pink and glitter filled love around.
This year I am also participating in the
Find Some Love Fest Link Party which should be really fun to see what other fellow bloggers are doing to celebrate one of my favorite holidays.
And since it is Pinterest Wednesday I thought I would share some of my favorite Valentine's themed pins!
I want to do this for the Boyfriend. How neat would it be to wake up to balloons floating above you with fun love notes tied to the end? The original pin suggested having the same number of balloons as years together which would be a neat tradition to start...
I am going to do this. I want to paper clip my work papers together with hearts!! Who wouldn't love receiving a very important work memo (ha!!) from me with a heart paper clip?!
I am going to make this and wear it allllll year long. Yes. Why yes I am.
Ok not my valentines but how cute are these?! Plus chocolate! And you could even have an impromptu photo shoot with your new brunette mustache before consumption. I pretty much think that that is a must.
My next nail polish look except I am going to use this vibrant raspberry pink fine glitter that I bought hoping to find a use for when making my valentines. No real Valentine's use so I will have to get creative with my nails! Woo. I love glitter and nail polish. Two of my favorite things! What? You didn't know I love glitter you say? Well I do. True story.
This might be a fun Valentine's gift for Boyfriend. A week of love notes with little IOUs attached. After dinner Cold Stone date, back rub, night free of doing the dishes- you know romantic stuff. (ha!) Plus candy. Boyfriend LOVVVESS candy.
And last but not least- BACON SHAPED LIKE HEARTS!!! I love bacon. I love hearts. I love bacon shaped like hearts. Happy girl. hahahaha |
I hope you all have a lovely Wednesday and welcome to all of the new Sparklers!!
I am so glad to meet you!